
Breathe freely. Contact confidently. Live safely.

Abundant in nature, hydroxyl radicals have the capacity to inhibit pollutants. nanoe™ X technology can bring these incredible benefits indoors, helping keep hard surfaces, soft furnishings and the whole indoor environment clean, and making it a more pleasant place to be. In today’s health-conscious world, we care about taking exercise, we care about what we eat and what we touch, and we care about what we breathe.


nanoe™ X — technology that brings natural freshness indoors

nanoe™ X technology has been researched and developed by Panasonic for more than 20 years. It is an electrostatic atomization technology, that collects invisible moisture in the air and applies high voltage to it to produce “hydroxyl radicals contained in water”. These water particles are nano-sized and filled with trillions of hydroxyl radicals.

Hydroxyl radicals (also known as OH radicals) are unstable molecules that readily react with elements like hydrogen. Thanks to this reaction, hydroxyl radicals have the potential to inhibit pollutants, breaking them down and neutralizing their unpleasant effects. Hydroxyl radicals are abundant in nature and are thus called “nature’s detergent”.

Panasonic’s nanoe™ X technology recreates this natural cleansing process and brings these incredible benefits indoors, helping keep hard surfaces, soft furnishings and the whole indoor environment clean, and making it a more pleasant place to be.

How big 1 nanometer is compared to 1 meter and how big a nanoe particle is

1nm is one billionth of one metre. If the size of the Earth were 1m, 1nm would be about the same size as a US dime. The size of nanoe™ particles is 5-20nm.

Effects of nanoe™ X