
nanoe™ X

Quality air for life

Enriching lives around the world with quality air

Artboard 1_0

Three key elements of quality air design

  1. Control temperature and humidity
  2. Lower indoor contaminant levels by exhausting air and/or supplying fresh, filtered air
  3. Mitigate particulate matter, allergens and odours

We breathe around 20,000 times per day

In fact, we breathe in about 18Kg of air*1, which is 15 times more air by weight than the food we eat or the water we drink every day*2. So, for us to live well and breathe well, the quality of the air we breathe is just as important as the quality of the food and water we consume.

Complete air purification

nanoe™ X purifies your air when you are home, away and even when cooling is off. There is no maintenance required for a nanoe™ X device as nanoe™ X is generated from water in the air, allowing for 24 hour performance. It also has low energy consumption, with a fan mode that runs on only 25W per hour.*3

Return to a fresh smelling home every time

Leave nanoe™ mode ON to deodorize, inhibit allergens and remove dust particles (PM2.5) while you're away.

The origin of the name nanoe™

1nm is one billionth of one metre. If the size of the Earth were 1m, 1nm would be about the same size as a US dime. The size of nanoe™ particles is 5-20nm. While small, these particles have a big effect. Panasonic’s unique nanoe™ technology involves special expertise at the nanometer level. It deodorizes, inhibits allergens, pollens and hazardous substances, in addition to eliminating dust for a fresher and cleaner indoor environment.

Eliminates Common Odours*⁴˜¹¹

(Not a result of experiments in an actual use environment)

Types of odours:

  1. Sweat odour / 2. Damp odour / 3 Durian odour / 4. Scalp odour / 5. BBQ odour / 6. Cigarette odour / 7. Garbage odour / 8. Pet odour

nanoe™ X particles, which are smaller than steam particles, penetrate the deepest parts of fibres, allowing for highly effective deodorization.*4~11 OH radicals reach the sources of the odours themselves and suppress them until they are barely noticeable.


*1 Uchiyama, Iwao (Department of Occupational Health, National Institute of Public Health, Japan). “Air and Human Beings: from the Physiological Viewpoint“ (1999).
*2 Ministry of the Environment, Japan. Heat Illness Environmental Health Manual 2018,p.32, fig. 3-2.
*3 Energy consumption may vary depending on models.

*4 [Testing organization] Panasonic Product Analysis Center [Testing method] Verified using the six-level odour intensity scale method in an approximately 23㎥ sized test room [Deodorization method] nanoe™ released [Test substance] Surface-attached cigarette smoke odour [Test result] Odour intensity reduced by 2.4 levels in 12mins (4AA33-160615-N04)

*5 [Testing organization] Panasonic Product Analysis Center [Testing method] Verified using the six-level odour intensity scale method in an approximately 23㎥ sized test room [Deodorization method] nanoe™ released [Test substance] Surface-attached pet odour [Test result] Odour intensity reduced by 1.5 levels in 1 hour (4AA33-160315-A34)
*6 [Testing organization] Panasonic Product Analysis Center [Testing method] Verified using the six-level odour intensity scale method in an approximately 23㎥ sized test room [Deodorization method] nanoe™ released [Test substance] Surface-attached durian odour [Test result] Odour intensity reduced by 1 level in 0.5 hours (1V332-180402-K01)
*7 [Testing organization] Panasonic Product Analysis Center [Testing method] Verified using the six-level odour intensity scale method in an approximately 23㎥ sized test room [Deodorization method] nanoe™ released [Test substance] Surface-attached BBQ odour [Test result] Odour intensity reduced by 1.2 levels in 2 hours (4AA33-151221-N01)
*8 [Testing organization] Panasonic Product Analysis Center [Testing method] Verified using the six-level odour intensity scale method in an approximately 23㎥ sized test room [Deodorization method] nanoe™ released [Test substance] Surface-attached sweat odour [Test result] Odour intensity reduced by 1.1 levels in 1 hour (Y16HM016)
*9 [Testing organization] Panasonic Product Analysis Center [Testing method] Verified using the six-level odour intensity scale method in an approximately 23㎥ sized test room [Deodorization method] nanoe™ released [Test substance] Surface-attached damp odour [Test result] Odour intensity reduced by 1.7 levels in 0.5 hours (Y16RA002).
*10 [Testing organization] Panasonic Product Analysis Center [Testing method] Verified using the six-level odour intensity scale method in an approximately 23㎥ sized test room [Deodorization method] nanoe™ released [Test substance] Surface-attached garbage odour [Test result] <Methylmercaptan> Odour intensity reduced by 1.2 levels in 0.5 hours (1V332-18220-K11) <Trimethylamine> Odour intensity reduced by 1.4 levels in 0.5 hours (1V332-180220-K12)
*11 [Testing organization] Odour and Aroma Design Course, Department of Integrated Informatics, Faculty of Informatics, Daido University [Testing method] Verified using the six-level odour intensity scale method in an approximately 23㎥ sized test room [Deodorization method] nanoe™ released [Test substance] Simulated body odour of middle-aged and older people attached to pillow cover [Test result] Odour intensity reduced by 0.65 levels in 6 hours

Note: Deodorization effect varies according to the environment (temperature and humidity), operation time, odour, and fabric types. It does not eliminate toxic substances in cigarettes (carbon monoxide, etc.). Odours that are continuously generated (e.g., building material odours and pet odours) are not completely eliminated.

*12 [Testing organization] Panasonic Product Analysis Center [Testing method] Verified using the electrophoresis method in an approximately 23㎥ sized test room [Inhibition method] nanoe™ released [Test substance] Allergens (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farina, Cedar, Cypress, Orchard grass, Ragweed, Alnus japonica, Japanese white birch, Artemisia, Olive, Juniper, Casuarina, Miscanthus, Timothy grass, Humulus japonicus, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Candida, Malassezia, Cockroach, Moth, Dog (dander), Cat (dander)) [Test result] Inhibiting effect was confirmed in 24 hours (4AA33-160615-F01, 4AA33-170301-F15, 4AA33-151001-F01, 4AA33-151028-F01, 4AA-33-160601-F01, 4AA33-160601-F02, 4AA33-160701-F01, 1V332-180301-F01, 4AA33-160615-F02, 4AA33-160615-F03, 4AA33-160620-F01)

Note: Results may vary based on usage, and seasonal and environmental variables (temperature and humidity).

*13 [Testing organization] Panasonic Product Analysis Center [Testing method] Verified using the electrophoresis method in an approximately 23㎥ sized test room [Inhibition method] nanoe™ released [Test substance] Cedar, Cypress, Orchard grass, Ragweed, Alnus japonica, Japanese white birch, Artemisia, Olive, Juniper, Casuarina, Miscanthus, Timothy grass, Humulus japonicus pollen [Test result] Inhibiting effect was confirmed in 24 hours (4AA33-151015-F01, 4AA33-151028-F01, 4AA33-160601-F01, 4AA33-160601-F02, 4AA33-160701-F01, 1V332-180301-F01)

Note: Results may vary based on usage, and seasonal and environmental variables (temperature and humidity).

*14 [Testing organization] Panasonic Product Analysis Center [Testing method] Measured the amount of attached organic substances in an approximately 23㎥ sized test room [Inhibition method] nanoe™ released [Test result] <Aromatic carboxylic acid (benzoic acid)> Broken down at least 99% in approximately 8 hours (Y17NF096) (Paraffin (hexadecane)> Broken down at least 99% in approximately 16 hours (Y17NF089)

Note: Results may vary based on usage, and seasonal and environmental variables (temperature and humidity).

*15 [Testing organization] Panasonic Product Analysis Center [Testing method] Rest period: 90 minutes, nanoe™ exposure time: 60 minutes, retention: 60 minutes. 8 women aged 30~49 with dry to normal skin. [Test result] Change in skin moisture content equivalent to a 20 percentage point increase from 30% --> 50% in environmental humidity (USG-KT-14K-012-TM)
*16 [Testing organization] FCG Research Institute, Inc. [Testing method and test result] Of 20 women 40 ± 2 years old, 10 women used a nanoe™ generating device at home for 28 days, while the other 10 women used a device with no nanoe™ generating device for 28 days at home (19104)
*17 [Testing organization] Panasonic Product Analysis Center [Testing method and test result] Approximately 46㎥ sized test room, room temperature 25 degrees Celsius, humidity 40%. Bundles (6 bundles) of hair were suspended 2m from a nanoe™ generating device, with repeated operation of the nanoe™ generating device: 8 hours on and 16 hours off. (USD-KS-15S-009-TM) [Method] nanoe™ released [Test substance] Hair

Note: Individual results may vary based on usage, and seasonal and environmental variables (temperature and humidity).